Enrollment program under the Work Visa

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     Nguyen Van Troi College announces admission on a working visa of the Cooperation Program between Nguyen Van Troi College & BSW Group – Federal Republic:

     Subjects: Male / Female, aged 18-35, who graduated from at least intermediate school or above in their chosen specialty; No hepatitis B, C, infectious diseases and other social diseases; No conviction is; have German certificate B1.

     Admissions professions:

  • Mechanics – Mechatronics – Automation – Electrical Engineering – Information Technology
  • Restaurant, hotel, chef
  • Baking and sales in the Bäckerei system
  • Nurses
  • Build
  • Home economics

     Students participating in the program will study B1 and certification exam in Vietnam. After obtaining B1 certificate, students going to Germany to receive 6-month vocational training at enterprises with a subsidy of 700 – 1,100 € / month depending on the training industry. After the vocational training period, trainees will be able to continue to work officially with an income of 1,900 -2,900 € / month and after 5 years of continuous work, they have the right to apply for long-term residence in Europe. Tuition and costs related to vocational training in Germany are 100% free.

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