• School name: Nguyen Van Troi College
  • International transaction name: Nguyen Van Troi College
  • Address: 69 Doan Huu Trung, Hoa An ward, Cam Le district, Da Nang city, Vietnam.
  • Date of establishment: Decision No. 938/QD-BLDTBXH dated July 18, 2008 of the Ministry of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs.
  • Organizational structure:
  1. Administrative Council.
  2. Principal and 02 Vice-Principals.
  3. Control Board.
  4. Professional departments.
  5. Trainning department;
  6. Student Management Department – Students;
  7. General administrative office;
  8. Other specialized and professional departments.
  9. Faculties and subjects affiliated to the university:
  10. Faculty of Electrical and Mechanical Engineering.
  11. Faculty of Construction.
  12. Faculty of Information Technology.
  13. Nursing Faculty.
  14. Finance and accounting department.
  15. Commerce and tourism deparment.
  16. Foreign language departments.
  17. General Department.
  18. Advisory Councils.
  19. Research, service and vocational training units; Production units and enterprises;
  20. Organization of the Communist Party of Vietnam, Trade Union and Youth Union.


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