- School name: Nguyen Van Troi College
- International transaction name: Nguyen Van Troi College
- Address: 69 Doan Huu Trung, Hoa An ward, Cam Le district, Da Nang city, Vietnam.
- Date of establishment: Decision No. 938/QD-BLDTBXH dated July 18, 2008 of the Ministry of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs.
- Organizational structure:
- Administrative Council.
- Principal and 02 Vice-Principals.
- Control Board.
- Professional departments.
- Trainning department;
- Student Management Department – Students;
- General administrative office;
- Other specialized and professional departments.
- Faculties and subjects affiliated to the university:
- Faculty of Electrical and Mechanical Engineering.
- Faculty of Construction.
- Faculty of Information Technology.
- Nursing Faculty.
- Finance and accounting department.
- Commerce and tourism deparment.
- Foreign language departments.
- General Department.
- Advisory Councils.
- Research, service and vocational training units; Production units and enterprises;
- Organization of the Communist Party of Vietnam, Trade Union and Youth Union.